Thursday, September 4, 2008

my first blog post ever

This is my first blog post ever. I'm not sure why I created a blog, but I figure it will be a good outlet. We'll see how it goes. Let me get you up to speed.

I'm 36, single but looking, cute, smart and funny. I have a wonderful family and great friends. I have a younger sister who is married with a one year-old little boy, Zach. He's the cutest kid in the world. I have the best dog in the world. He's a Belgian Shepherd named Roscoe. I bought my first house a few months ago and love it, but am not really handy. I'm having to learn things the hard way.

Up until August 26 of this year, I worked for a large international company in Plano, TX. We just bought out by a larger international company based in California. The companies are going through integration exercises, so basically none of us know if we will have jobs in 6 months. Did I mention I just bought a house?!?!

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